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We love showcasing our members carvings; after all, getting people to carve is what Woodcarving Workshops is all about! In the gallery you’ll see a wide range of carvings, from novice to advanced; each one the result of time and effort, inspiration and dedication. We value them all!

Click on the image to discover more about the carving and the carver.


Chris & Carrie

Chimera (idea of Shawn Cipa)

Project Owner: Alexey Khramov
Type of Wood: Limewood
Finish: Linsed oil + miniral spirit. Then several coats of oil based white paint. Then few brushstrokes of golden paint.
Dimensions: around 20x25 cm


This is a first face I've ever carved. Was quite hard for me to define the right tools for hairs carving. Next time more attention will give to elements proportion in the very beginning of the process, as the hight/depth balance of the body shall be better.

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