We love showcasing our members carvings; after all, getting people to carve is what Woodcarving Workshops is all about! In the gallery you’ll see a wide range of carvings, from novice to advanced; each one the result of time and effort, inspiration and dedication. We value them all!
Click on the image to discover more about the carving and the carver.
Project Owner: Patrick Mullally
Type of Wood: Basswood
Finish: DB linseed oil
Dimensions: Approx 14 x 8
I live in Nova Scotia but originally from PEI. I have been carving since 2006. This version of Chris's Greenman was a lot of fun to carve. I wanted to give his eyes a more stern look so I made them appear to be under the brow more. The mouth was also modified. This was my third or fourth Greenman and I hope to attempt the round sun version in the near future.
Please click on an image above to see a bigger version.