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We love showcasing our members carvings; after all, getting people to carve is what Woodcarving Workshops is all about! In the gallery you’ll see a wide range of carvings, from novice to advanced; each one the result of time and effort, inspiration and dedication. We value them all!

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Chris & Carrie

Guardian Angel

Project Owner: Ian Johnson
Type of Wood: Oak
Finish: Vegan Wood Wax
Dimensions: 120 x 110 x 25mm


I was asked to carve a guardian angel, but as I'd not done anything like this before some research was required and the internet turned up an image of this angel. It was relatively easy to carve but it's a lovely, tactile carving that was thankfully very well received. The praying hands in the centre was a case of following Chris's advice and matching the curve to a tool, in this case a No6 25mm. It would make an excellent beginners project and as it's fairly small you could even just use an off cut from a bigger project.

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