Apologies (again): The title you see in the video, '2 Finishing', should read '4 Finishing'. (This is indeed the 4th video workshop in this project.)
I glued the layout onto the wood with the sort of glue-stick used in office. Here's a great way to remove it—a trick that also works with PVA/wood glue.
With the paper off and the wood dry, I smoothed and cleaned up with 240 grit sandpaper. Don't forget your dust mask and to vacuum the wood rather than blow that dust away!
Now, change the lighting and check the edges one more time before final 'finishing': painting the letters, waxing the wood or whatever.
| 28 January 2022 17:54
Rachel - It's limewood. Sycamore would be a good alternative. I like lighter-coloured woods for lettering as they show the lights and shadows of the grooves more dramatically.
| 28 January 2022 14:30
Hello Chris,
Have much enjoyed your spiral lettering.
Was the wood sycamore? Am always interested to know what wood you are using.
Thank you